Heart Ultrasound A Comprehensive Guide to Procedure and Diagnosis

Heart ultrasound, or echocardiogram, is a crucial tool in the diagnosis and management of heart diseases. By using high-frequency sound waves, this test provides clear and detailed images of the heart, allowing doctors to assess its function in real-time.

How Heart Ultrasound is Performed
The heart ultrasound procedure is painless and radiation-free. During the test, the patient lies on an examination table, and a cool gel is applied to the chest area. The doctor then uses a device called a “transducer” on the skin, which emits sound waves and captures the echoes that bounce back to create an image of the heart on a computer screen.

Diagnosing Heart Conditions with Ultrasound
This test can diagnose various heart conditions, such as heart failure, valvular heart disease, coronary artery disease, and cardiomegaly. The information obtained from this test allows doctors to plan treatments accurately and effectively.