Not as Scary as You Think! Kids Share Their Doppler Ultrasound Experiences

Getting a Doppler ultrasound might sound intimidating to children, but it’s not as scary as it seems. Let’s hear from some kids who have gone through this examination.

“It just feels cool, like jelly”

Mali (pseudonym), 7 years old, said, “At first, I was scared, but when the doctor applied the cool gel on my skin, it just felt cool, like jelly. It didn’t hurt at all.”

“It’s like listening to the ocean waves”

Tonkla (pseudonym), 10 years old, said, “During the examination, I could hear a whooshing sound. The doctor said it was the sound of blood flow. It was like listening to the ocean waves.”

“The doctor was nice and explained everything to me”

Praew (pseudonym), 5 years old, said, “The doctor was very nice. They explained what they were doing, so I wasn’t scared at all.”

“It was over quickly, and I could go back to playing”

Poom (pseudonym), 8 years old, said, “At first, I thought it would take a long time, but it was over in a flash. I didn’t have to wait long at all, and I could go back to playing.”

Tips for Preparing Your Child

  • Explain to your child calmly what the examination is like and why it’s necessary
  • Use simple and non-threatening language
  • Show your child videos or pictures about Doppler ultrasound examinations
  • Let your child bring a favorite toy or stuffed animal for comfort
  • Praise and encourage your child after the examination

Doppler ultrasound is a safe and painless procedure. Proper preparation and encouragement will help your child feel at ease and have a smooth experience.