Preparing for Your Muscle and Joint Ultrasound

Muscle and joint ultrasound is a safe and effective way to diagnose various problems. However, proper preparation before the examination is equally important to ensure a smooth process and accurate results. Let’s see what you should do before seeing your doctor.

1. Gather information

  • Injury history Remember details about your injury, such as when and how it happened, and what symptoms you have experienced.
  • Treatment history If you have received treatment for this injury before, such as surgery, physical therapy, or medication, inform your doctor.
  • Medications and supplements Tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are currently taking.

2. Prepare your body

  • Clothing Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area being examined, such as shorts or a sleeveless shirt.
  • Cleanliness Clean your body, especially the area to be examined, to prevent infection

3. Prepare your mind

  • Relax Ultrasound examinations are painless. Try to relax for a smooth examination
  • Write down questions If you have any questions about the examination or your condition, write them down in advance to ask your doctor.

4. What to bring with you

  • Previous test results If you have had previous ultrasounds or X-rays, bring the results with you for the doctor to compare
  • Identification card and health insurance card

That’s it! You are now ready for your muscle and joint ultrasound!